Placement and Training Cell
(Career and Counselling Cell)
Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli - 620 024.
  • 18 Aug, 2015 - 06 Nov, 2015

Soft Skills – Effective English Communication

In general there seems to be some lacuna among the students with respect to communicating in English, which is an essential requirement for securing any job opportunity. To overcome this lacuna, the Placement and Training Cell (PTC) in collaboration with the University Business Collaboration Centre (UBCC), conducted a Course entitled, “Soft Skills – Effective English Communication”, intertwined with the regular course that the students undergo in their respective Departments. On a pilot basis, the first course was inducted in the Department of Computer Science for the I Year MCA students, during the Odd Semester (2015-16). The course spanned throughout the semester and engaged the students with resource persons who came from both academia and industry. The inauguration of the Course was held on 18th August, 2015 at the BUTP Auditorium, Bharathidasan University, Khajamalai Campus, Tiruchirappalli – 23. Simultaneously the inauguration of a one day workshop on Personality Development and Interview Etiquettes for the III Year MCA  and V Year M.Tech students was also held.

  Dr. N. Prasanna, Co- ordinator, Placement and Training Cell, stressed on the need for such programmes and said that if this initiative was successful, then it would be extended to other Departments and Colleges in the future.  Dr. Gopinath Ganapathy, Co-ordinator, UBCC and Director, BUTP brought to light the importance of soft skills and said that Bharathidasan University was the first to introduce soft skills programmes about ten years back.  He also said that this initiative had been taken to introduce soft skills components in the students’ curriculum.  Dr. S. Iyyampillai, Senior Professor of Economics and Principal i/c, Bharathidasan University Constituent College, Inamkulathur released the course material and delivered the inaugural address.  In his address he said that soft skills were taught and learnt in families in the past, when families were large. Nowadays families were shrinking and such opportunities have been lost.  Hence, it is the duty of the teachers and educational institutions to take up this responsibility.  In his address, he highlighted the significance of learning the structure of the language in order to master it. Mr. K. Thaniarasu, HR Trainer, Govt. Industrial Training Institute, Thiruvernmbur and A. Ebenezer Raja, Assistant Professor, Department of Management Studies, Bishop Heber College, Trichy participated as resource persons for the course and the workshop. Dr. M. Govindarajan, Assistant Professor of Computer Science proposed the vote of thanks. 87 students participated in this event.

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